
Encoding Python Values

Python values can be encoded into binary values for a given ABI type as follows:

>>> from eth_abi import encode_single, encode_abi

>>> encode_single('uint256', 12345)

>>> encode_single('(bytes32,bytes32)', [b'a', b'b'])

>>> encode_abi(['bytes32', 'bytes32'], [b'a', b'b'])

The encode_single function can be used to perform any encoding operation from a python value to a binary ABI value for an ABI type. As is seen in the example above, encode_single supports encoding of tuple ABI values which can be used to encode sequences of python values in a single binary payload.

The encode_abi function provides an alternate API for encoding tuple values. It accepts a list of type strings instead of a single tuple type string. Internally, it uses the encode_single function to do this. Because of this redundancy, it will eventually be removed in favor of encode_single.

Checking for Encodability

It is also possible to check whether or not a certain python value is encodable for a given ABI type using encode_single:

>>> from eth_abi import is_encodable

>>> is_encodable('int', 2)

>>> is_encodable('int', 'foo')

>>> is_encodable('(int,bool)', (0, True))

>>> is_encodable('(int,bool)', (0, 0))

Non-Standard Packed Mode Encoding


Non-standard packed mode encoding is an experimental feature in the eth-abi library. Use at your own risk and please report any problems at https://github.com/ethereum/eth-abi/issues.

In certain cases, the Solidity programming language uses a non-standard packed encoding. You can encode values in this format like so:

>>> from eth_abi.packed import encode_single_packed, encode_abi_packed

>>> encode_single_packed('uint32', 12345)

>>> encode_single_packed('(int8[],uint32)', ([1, 2, 3, 4], 12345))

>>> encode_abi_packed(['int8[]', 'uint32'], ([1, 2, 3, 4], 12345))

More information about this encoding format is available at https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/develop/abi-spec.html#non-standard-packed-mode.